Any child up to 18 years of age can participate.
Children of all ethnicity, gender, religion, disability* and socio-economic backgrounds are welcome. What matters is their dream!
So the first step is to allow children to dream about the India they want in the future. They can draw inspiration from their current environment, social, cultural, digital challenges, UN sustainability goals, among others.
There are 2 parts to the submission:
Use A4 size paper. Child must mention Name, Age, School/Activity Center & City on the face/front side of the drawing and letter (not back side).
Check out some samples from our live Dream Gallery below.
Note: No use of computers, smartphone or any digital technology to sketch or write the letter. Must be hand-written. We want to keep it as personalized as possible.
Children will receive a certificate on completion of submission through the participating partner. If submitting individually, request by writing to letters@dreamonindia.com.
*♿︎ Visually impaired and other children unable to sketch/write can submit their dream over an audio message (2 min). Kindly email files to letters@dreamonindia.com (upload the audio files to Google Drive or wetransfer if greater than 10 MB)
Children need to submit a scanned copy (or a hi-res JPEG) of the sketch/model of the dream and the letter describing the dream.
They must mention their Name, Age, School/Activity Center & City (all mandatory) and name of their parents/guardian (optional) for inclusion in the co-authors section of the book. This information* with the scanned images must be emailed to letters@dreamonindia.com.
If sending multiple / large sized files (greater than 10 MB), please zip up and upload to Google Drive or wetransfer and email link to letters@dreamonindia.com
Note to Schools: Please collect all the submissions and mail/courier the same to the partner at the end of the initiative, or email us for a delivery address.
Note to Schools & Partners: Please take written consent of the parents/school before conducting the activity. And let the school know about how the usage of the deliverables for the purpose of this project.
*Note that the name, age, school, location details are collected to identify the child's submission. No contact details should be provided. None of this information will be used for any kind of marketing purposes by Play2Transform Group.
Listen to audio overview of how to participate
Make your submission between 14-Nov-2018 and 21-Jan-2019 (10 weeks) -- Extended to 31st Jan 2019
Why these dates?
The duration starts from Pt. Nehru's birthday to Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru is a leader who loved children so very much that he declared November 14th as Children's Day. And Martin Luther King Jr. is a leader who encouraged us to dream. He was a social activist who led the Civil Rights Movement in the United States and is known for his famous speech “I have a dream…” during the Freedom March in Washington, DC, on August 28, 1963)
What forms will the book take?
Once the dreams collection phase is completed, the plan is to compile, structure, design and publish the dreams in 2 forms:
So are you ready to dream big, INDIA! :)
Still have a question? Contact us
If you are a large entity able to impact more than 100 children, head over to the Request to Partner section. We will send you all this information.
Copyright © 2018-2025 Dream On, India! ® | A social initiative by play2transform group. All Rights Reserved.