This immersive Insights Report, titled
‘The Awékening - If dreams could save the world ’,
is developed with the objective to offer a humble reference for India’s policy makers, change makers & relevant influencers, while they actively engage in the nation's transformation.
It is a sincere attempt to decode and interpret the awestruck creations of the purest minds in our country, untouched yet by conditioning and pragmatism.
It aligns to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), prioritizes key zone-wise/national issues and provides insights to accelerate the much-needed change.
We hope this report will awaken your soul in taking action for the future of our country!
"To be commended is the emphasis on individual thinking and aspiration, a welcome departure from the herd learning that had befallen our education system, even long years after independence."
"One dream is good enough to bring about miracles and this book has 150 dreams. It has the potential to change the whole world."
"Dreams inspire creativity and innovation. And we now have specific direction on what is important for and from the future of our country.”
"The report is a brilliant, heartfelt template for policy: listen to the wisdom of kids! Put their vision to action! This wonderful project is as meaningful as it is proactive."
"What an opportunity this offers to help shape our education to include these dreams of our children! Kudos to the entire team for this mammoth effort!"
“Adults give conditioned answers. Children give you the truth. Let’s learn to listen to their dreams and contribute to their actualization.”
Irrespective of Gender, Age & Geography, results showed Good Health and Well-being (SDG #3), Responsible Consumption & Production (SDG #12), Gender Equality (SDG #5), Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure (SDG #9) and Peace & Justice Strong Institutions (SDG #16) to be the top 5 SDGs that reflected from the shortlisted drawings (tweet this!)
While the top goals were found to be common among girls and boys, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG #16) was found to be the most popular SDG for girls, and Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG #9) was most popular for boys (tweet this!)
The fact that children are not just aware of the impact of such issues but also prioritize them in their dream, offers a favourable and progressive perspective for the future. However it was most interesting and encouraging observing that Gender Equality is a priority irrespective of gender and age, as is Good Health and Well-being.
Under People-related issues, gender discrimination, female foeticide, rape take up 23% of the issues; followed closely by literacy & education quality at 16%, and mental & physical health at 15% (tweet this!)
Children did not shy away from being explicit about their intolerance towards such violations of human rights related to female-related issues (tweet this!)
With regards to literacy and education quality, children were extremely vocal about not just low literacy levels among poor female population, but also expressed their desire for ‘quality’ education.
Regarding Planet-Issues, de-forestation, water-scarcity and pollution (~60%) were represented as key concerns with serious and direct implications on the environment in the future (tweet this!)
A variety of visual representations were included as triggers and solutions, which were observed keenly and interpreted as the design thinking potential of the children.
Furthermore, almost 50% of these thematic drawings included representations of a positive catalyst, of which, half of them drew themselves as being that agent of change or influencer of solution.
In 44% of Prosperity-related Issues, infrastructure (quality and quantity), emerging technology and affordable clean & renewable energy were found as key concerns in the drawings. Children expressed a strong desire for invention and innovation with emerging technology, digitization and space development (tweet this!)
Insights drawn from representations in the selected drawings revealed that almost all (97%) children had a good overall comprehension of their vision for India's future, of which a large portion (84%) represented a strong emotional connect of the same. A substantial number of them (71%) demonstrated a good awareness of the current national issues and almost all (97%) demonstrated a positive resolution in the future. In addition, it was promising that almost half of the participants who represented a positive catalyst, drew themselves as being that agent of change or influencer of the positive future. This revealed their active and eager-to-participate mind-set (tweet this!)
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